Friday, August 1, 2008

Barack the Baby Killer

Although the issue of abortion is a hot button issue with many people because of the debate as to when life actually begins and the woman's "right" to have an abortion if she feels so inclined to do so, I have found very few people who will support partial birth abortions.

Barack Huissen Obama is one of the few exceptions. BHO has a track record of supporting partial birth abortion. 

Partial birth abortion is a procedure that "is usually performed during the last trimester of gestation up to the end of the ninth month. The woman's cervix is dialated, and the abortionist grabs the baby's leg with forceps. Then he proceeds to pull the baby into the birth canal. The abortionist then delivers the baby's body, feet first, all but the baby's head. The abortionist inserts a sharp object into the back of the baby's head, removes it, and inserts a vacuum tube through which the brains are sucked out. The head of the baby collapses at this point and allows the aborted baby to be delivered lifelessly" (link). In a different procedure, the mother delivers the baby natrually, and when the baby is delivered past its belly button, the vacuum is inserted and the brains are sucked out. Despite arguments of whether or not life begins at conception, this is an entirely different matter, since the baby is basically delivered when this procedure occurs. One cannot even argue that the mother's health as an issue because if she is going to partially deliver the baby, the extra push makes little to no difference on her health.

"In 1997, BHO voted against SB 230, which would have turned doctors into felons by banning so-called partial-birth abortion" (link). Since the baby is mostly delivered and considered living, aborting the baby during birth would make it murder, since murder is defined as killing or slaughtering inhumanely or barbarously (link). Suctioning out a child's brains with a vacuum is an inhumane and barbarous act, and therefore those who preform such procedures should be prosecuted as murderers.

In October 2007, BHO voted against banning partial birth abortion. (link)

It's hard to believe that a man who claims to be a Christian is in favor of the murder of infants - because that's what it is, my dear readers, it is murder. I will admit that I do not like BHO for many reasons that I do not wish to get into in this particular post. However - those are the facts. BHO is in favor of partial-birth abortion - of killing living, breathing children.


Brett said...

BHO needs to read his Bible (Galatians 6:7). God specifically states that He "will not be mocked..." Calling yourself a Christian and supporting murder are in my opinion mocking the one and true living God and He will not stand for it. I pray for our country and our leaders...

Rachel said...

Thank you for the verse. I couldn't think of where exactly that was to site it.

Mike said...

I'm not sure of the number or title of the legislation. But BHO also voted against a bill that would have required doctors to do everything in their power to save a baby who is born after surviving an abortion. Meaning he doesn't think a doctor should save a baby who is living OUTSIDE of the womb. Pathetic...

Rachel said...

I hadn't heard that... but thank you for mentioning that TGA.

Eli the Betta said...

It's just something all liberals do- putting politics ahead of faith and principles.

By the way, would you like to exchange links with the Yankee Commentary?

Rachel said...

Yeah, that would be great!

Eli the Betta said...

All right, I just put your link on my side bar.

Speaking about Obama, he restated his pro-abortion policy in the Saddleback Forum. Rich Warrens should've asked Obama on his past opposition to the Born-Alive Abortion Survivor Bill.

Rachel said...

We'll add you as soon as Goose comes back - because apparently I can't add links yet...

I'm sure Obama will change his stance on abortion at least three more times before the election... just like he changes his mind on everything else.

Eli the Betta said...

What're you going to college?

Rachel said...

?? We're both in college... yes.

Brett said...

I'm in college too, but I'm almost 40. Glad to see some of the youth in this country aren't blinding by this "Change" b.s. floating around. :)

Mike said...

Another young 21 y/o collegiate here too!

Hey check out this you tube video talking about BHO and is support for infantcide:

Rachel said...

I guess I'm young for a college kid... I just turned 19.

Thanks for the link TGA - even though it continues to disgust me that things like this happen, let alone someone who thinks he is qualified to run for president is in support of something like this...

Goose said...

Thanks for your patience Yankee Doodle, I just got your link up.

I'll be back for real on saturday, and I look forward to catching up on all the conservatism

And I'll echo the youth movement here (I just turned 20) And that its great to see some intelligence in our colleges and universities.

Eli the Betta said...

I'm sorry for not expressing myself clearly. What's your college? Your profiles do not indicate your locations. Is it Midwest?

I'm going to be a high school junior, public school. It's hard to start any youth movement there. I just heard from my friend that his Spanish teacher, a self-described socialist, made up stories about Bush and his father, and urged students to support Obama.

Rachel said...

We go to a private liberal arts college in the Midwest.

And public school teachers are getting weirder and weirder... except the few conservative teachers that are out there (like my dad and some of the other teachers at my old high school).

Mike said...

Dang. From the sounds of Yankee's school, I guess I had it pretty lucky. The majority of my teachers were conservative, but it's not real surprising considering my school was situated in the middle of a cornfield in rural Ohio. There were a few leftists, I had one for a current events teacher. I always thought he was too smart for me to even step into the ring with. However since graduating and increasing my knowledge in politics and current events, I've come to realize that about 99.9% of what he said was complete and utter bullcrap...

Brett said...

"I just heard from my friend that his Spanish teacher, a self-described socialist, made up stories about Bush and his father, and urged students to support Obama."
- That sounds like a conflict of interest. Why isn't the ACLU all over that! What if she had started teaching them Creationism? Oh, the horror!

"The majority of my teachers were conservative, but it's not real surprising considering my school was situated in the middle of a cornfield in rural Ohio."
- I moved earlier this summer and my kids told me that their old teachers taught them Creationism despite the fact that they "weren't allowed to." I will be eager to see if the new school does the same. Even though PA is a "Democratic" state, all of the Counties other than Philadelphia and Allegheny (Pittsburgh) are Republican majority.

Eli the Betta said...

Oddly, the teachers in my junior high, situated right next to the high school, are mainly conservatives. There were only a few libs I remember, and most of them were staffs.

Rachel said...

That's weird that all the conservative teachers were at your junior high... I think mine were mostly liberal teachers... one of the negative aspects of living in a Chicago suburb.