Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Activist Judges Ignore the People Again, Part 2

These guys just don't get it! This time it is in Virginia, where a panel of judges from the federal appellate court wrote a 31-page document to try to justify the fact that the law they declared unconstitutional was nearly identical to a federal law the Supreme Court upheld. The law in question was not even attempting to overturn the precedent set by the Roe vs. Wade case. which any law could legally do, but rather was a ban on late-term, partial-birth abortion. Almost everyone can agree that late term abortions are inhumane, because with today's medical technology, almost any child in the third trimester has a chance to live. This case is just another example of the few trying to subvert the will of the many. Part 1 Story


Mike said...

With all the bullcrap these judges are pullin, the framers of the Constitution are probably rolling in their graves. This is despicable.

Rachel said...
