Ok, so apparently popular opinion is that I hate feminists, women, African-Americans, homo-sexuals, Mexican-Americans, liberals, foriegners, socialists, communists, minorities, and the 9th circuit court of appeals.
I don't hate any of them. I disagree with many of the listed "-ists." That goes with out saying. Hate is a very strong word, and should not be focused on ANY group. Ever.
Lets address minorities (which should technically be called pluralities soon at this rate.) I have nothing against them as people. A few elements of their cultures may annoy me, or even upset me, but i still support their right to be here (legally) and to express themselves. I am against any of them getting special privileges. I am also against illegal immigration, for a very simple reason. Its illegal, doofus. You wouldn't let someone get away with rape, murder, theft, assault, etc. so should they get be rewarded for breaking this law? That said, the immigration system needs reworking, but that is a different post.
Now socialists and communists, those folks believe in an anarchism of an overly simple, disproven theory. Well, technically socialism is still around and in use, but there is a reason why Europe is moving to the right. Chavez has impoverished Venezuela. Communism failed, epically. The soviets could not make it work, nor could most of Eastern Europe. China is trying to achieve some weird hybrid of capitalism and communism which is destined to fail due to their opposing natures. The bottom line here is that I firmly believe in the merit of free markets.
Feminists, You got picked on lately because you have been visibly annoying.
This was actually supposed to be a general post, but the example was reflecting feminists.
The next one, I happened to come across, and even with the age, I found some good stuff in there. If you really want to know why you are so easy to pick on though,
this guy has a good explanation written. My biggest complaint is the fact that it is a way of trying to secure special privileges. That and the horrible economics behind it. Oh, and according to the U.S. Census Bureau
figures, of every 100 women in America, there are only 97 men. In other words, men make up about 49.2% of the population. Women are not a minority in any way, shape, or form.
Above all, liberals make me mad because they have no common sense.
Keep in mind, as much as I dislike what you say, I will always support your right to say it, within reason (obsecenity, for example, is an exception.) I promise, I won't hate you for it either.